This site is for sharing original songs, Bible studies and creative resources for believers to use for devotional purposes, outreach, discipleship and worship.  New material is added regularly. There’s lots more to come!


Click to HEAR SONGS and choose a category of songs to listen to.  Alternatively, click on individual song titles to hear songs & view lyrics here.  Later you will be able to access Chords and related Bible Studies once I have the time to upload them all!

I’m using the name Living Stream as Jesus said living water would flow from us as we believe in Him (Jn 4).  That’s how I see the songs He gives me… an overflow of His life in me.  I pray you are blessed by them.  And I also pray His Spirit will lead you in whatever way He overflows in your life.

Chord/Lyrics sheets and MP3s of original Living Stream songs and related creative resources including images by Sharon Colman are meant for use in worhip, personal devotion, discipleship training and outreach. They may be freely used for these purposes unless money is involved. Permission is required for paid public performance, recording or publishing in any way.

Donations will be accepted once I have the facility set up for it.

I pray many will come to know the love of God and complete freedom and life through Jesus Christ, Yeshua.  GOD BLESS YOU!


One response... add one

You have touched my life in the songs I have listened illuminating as well with Gods love as u reach out to people God bless and provide for every need.

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