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  Below are lyrics with chords that can be copied (by donation) or you can download a PDF in ODT format by clicking “purchase” and completing the steps. God bless you as you worship Jesus!…

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A vision of worshiping at the Throne of Glory FOREVER AND EVER Be blessed sharing this song to the glory of God! Let us love in Jesus fully surrendered in unity in the Holy Spirit…

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Vanessa Marika received a vision in Arnhemland that she felt was to be made into a song. Here are the lyrics and the download is available for the chords for free. Living Water     …

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The old has gone
The new has come
Before Your throne
You see us one
We are a brand new creation
In Christ Jesus our Saviour
He reconciles us by the cross
He breaks the walls down between us

One New Man, One humanity
Death to all hostility
Alive to Christ, He sets us free
One in Jesus, one eternally

Backing tracks for use to sing with as an item or for congregational use.

Choose this option for ALL-6-TRACKS-AT-ONCE download in MP3 format.

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